As the first National Committee in the European Youth Parliament, Denmark has introduced a new strict approach to climate neutrality. Via a unique sponsorship the organization has decided to get involved and focus more on the sustainability. This February EYP Denmark is hosting its first climate neutral event.
What is climate neutrality?
The past years there have been many initiatives to increase the environmental friendliness of events in the EYP community. Common measures for achieving this have typically been a limitation of single-use plastics or transports by foot.
The National Committee of Denmark however has additionally gone a new way of making sessions more sustainable by cooperating with a climate protection agency.
This entails the calculation of the organizations climate footprint which then gets offset by Gold Standard Climate Certificates. These officially licensed certificates are at their very base an investment in UN projects and thereby support several of the UN’s sustainability goals.
Sustainability at cost of a cup of coffee
“Discovering new shores” – under this motto around 115 young people from all across Europe are assembling in Odense this February to discuss new ways of looking at current problems, for example the climate change. With 115 participants the actual costs per participant to offset the carbon footprint only comprises the costs of one cup of coffee per participant!
“We are of course very proud of this new initiative”, says Head of Communications and Head Organizer Philip Kardell. “It shows that active citizenship, education and sustainability can go hand-in-hand and we are very thankful for our cooperation with CLIMATE EXTENDER. We of course hope to motivate many more National Committees to take this step”.